Visn. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr 2014, (10): 17—29

О.H. Reznikov1, О.М. Polumbryk2, Y.H. Balion1, M.О. Polumbryk2
1Komissarenko Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism of NAMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
2National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv


Abstract: The review contains a new literature data and results of own investigations of antioxidant induced stress, which can cause structure changes of nucleic acids as well as amino acids, proteins, lipids and induce cancer and cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, autism and atherosclerosis development. The mechanisms of action of the antioxidants on pathological processes and modern approaches in food products development, which are fortified by microelements and ways of oxidative stress overcoming have been described.

Keywords: oxidative stress, antioxidants, mechanism of action, hypoelementosis, microelements, pathogenesis.

Language of article: ukrainian.


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