Visn. Nac. Akad. Nauk Ukr. 2016. (2): 87-90

V.I. Gritsenko, I.I. Yermakova, A.I. Bogatonkova, O.I. Dorosh
International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv


An urgent task of personally-oriented medicine is to provide information and computer systems, providing an opportunity for patients to monitor on their own vital signs of their health, and for doctors – to monitor the health of their patients in remote access. The purpose of the work is development of structures and algorithms of multi-level complex personalized mobile system using mobile applications for long-term monitoring, analysis and monitoring of physiological parameters of human health. The concept of creating a multi-level complex system of personalized mobile client-server architecture and the ability to adapt to the individual requirements of the user is proposed. An algorithm for the creation of specialized software with an integrated development environment is created.
Keywords: information technology, mobile health, mobile applications, m-Health, е-Health.


Language of article: ukrainian


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